Wednesday, June 30, 2010

World Cup and Bayern vs Allemania

Germany is now in the Semi Finals! Celebrations and chaos abound in the streets of Germany today. With yesterday's celebration over the Germany's win against Argentina in World Cup 2010, I thought it appropriate to write a few lines about the local soccer/football German teams. The two regional teams faced it out in football matches every few weeks while I overheard cheers from the stadium here in Aachen earlier last month. So who are these teams? and how do Germans enjoy football matches?

Well first the teams: Alemannia is the ever (not so good) important team for the Aachen region and is represented by the NRW (North Rhein Westfalia) flag and Bayern is the ever popular Bavarian team that seems to win every game and is represent by its respective regional flag.

As for how many Germans enjoy football: Gathering with friends and family, Wearing lots of supportive paraphernalia, waving regional team flags, Bitte ein Bit! (local favorite beer) and of course, enjoying ice cream.

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